Transformers Animated: Volume 12
Share the adventures of the AUTOBOT heroes like OPTIMUS PRIME, HOT ROD, and PROWL as they battle MEGATRON and the dangerous DECEPTICONS. Using actual still frames from the animated series itself, and including episodes “Black Friday” and “Sari, No One’s Home,” the Transformers Animated series puts new TF action in your pocket!
Transformers Animated: Volume 12 Covers and Images
Transformers Animated: Volume 12 Release Info
Publisher | IDW |
Type | Graphic Novel TPB |
Series | Transformers Animated Digests |
Release Status | Released |
Year | 2009 |
Release Date | December 2009 |
Transformers Animated: Volume 12 Print Data
Total # of Covers | 1 |
Transformers Animated: Volume 12 Artists, Writers and More
Letters | Tom B. Long |
Writer | Rich Fogel, Todd Casey, Zachary Rau |
Editor | Justin Eisinger |
Transformers Animated: Volume 12 Additional Info
Transformers: Animated Volume 12 contains Episode 26 "Black Friday" and Episode 27 "Sari, No One's Home" from the cartoon series.
Contributors: Tim Formas
Views: 3139